In this single 90-minute session, I will tell you where your relationship is stuck. I can also tell you approximately how long it could take, and what it will require of each of you, to turn things around. You can then decide if you want to. This information is invaluable if you want to stay together and even more valuable if you’re not sure. Many times the wall we hit is a life challenge we would hit whether we were in a relationship or not.
Even the best relationships have conflict. It’s how they grow. It’s how we grow. It’s just that some couples have more skills when it comes to managing it. You can learn those skills, too.
Come with a curious heart and let’s see what’s going on.
If you would like to know the nature of the wall you’ve hit, the root of painful dynamics between you, and what it might take fix things so you can decide if you want to, contact me to schedule your 90-minute Relationship Assessment.