A Relationship Assessment Helps You Understand That...

  • Relationship troubles are not a sign of failure or a predictor of the end.  Nor are they uncommon.
  • Relationships are designed to grow us up and out of ourselves into a larger capacity for love. And like all growth, it can involve growing pains.
  • Relationships end because one or both partners are facing a growth step they either cannot or will not make. We will talk about the many ways those growth steps show up.
  • It’s almost impossible for you to see what your relationship needs from you. It’s like doing your own eye surgery. You’re too close.

If You Would Like To Know...

  • the nature of the obstacles you’re facing
  • the reasons behind the painful dynamics between you
  • the impact of childhood behaviors you may have brought to your marriage
  • the influence of your power imbalances
  • why your personality styles, though different, are both necessary
  • the importance of relationship roles
  • approximately how long and what it will take to change things
  • so you can decide if it’s worth it…

Your Next Step:

If you know you’re ready to get started you can schedule your Relationship Assessment here or you can schedule 30-minutes to discuss here. I’m happy to help you decide if this Assessment will be of use to you.

How It Works

In this single 90-minute session, I want to find out about your relationship. I want to know how it started, what you loved about each other, the challenges you have faced. This knowing gives me insight about where your relationship is stuck, which we will discuss.

We will also discuss approximately how long it will take and what it will require of you, to turn things around. Then you get to decide if you want to. This information is invaluable if you want to stay together and even more valuable if you’re not sure.

I will also provide you with pertinent relationship research so you leave with important tools as well as the analysis of your relationship strengths and needs.

Now or Later?

You may have merely hit a wall that is a personal growth or life challenge. If you don’t deal with it in this relationship it will show up in another. Those growth challenges don’t just go away. They wait patiently for another opportunity to jump out of the closet. It could be that working through them right where you are is the best choice for you. This Assessment will help you know.

Please know that you are not bad, wrong, or a failure because there is conflict in your relationship. You are actually brilliant to realize you might be able to use it for good.

Come with a curious heart and let’s see what’s going on.