I am Not Your Usual Mediator
What is a “Usual” Mediator?
A mediator is a neutral third party who helps you work through differences and come to important agreements, hopefully agreements you both feel good about.
You may not be able to work out the tricky areas on your own. The topics are too personal, emotions are too big, and sometimes the wounds are too deep to push through to a solution. This is especially true if someone’s heart has been betrayed.
I am Not Your Usual Mediator
Yes, I will help you come to agreements like any other mediator, but my approach is different. My background as a Relationship Systems Coach means we can tap into the wisdom of your relationship in creative ways allowing for unusually creative results.
Relationships are generative, yes, even struggling relationships. You, and a waitress you don’t even know, can generate a glass of water. Our brainstorming sessions can generate ideas that are still in formulation.