Jeannine Lee

After my kids left home things started to change for me. I’d been the main caregiver and now I wanted to spread my wings and fly. But the structure of our relationship couldn’t accommodate that. That’s when “my cage started rattling” as I called it. I was coming apart at the seams. My health was waning, my happiness was gone. Holding it together and pretending things were ok was no longer working for me. Something had to change. I had to become the hero in my own life.

It was at that time that I answered the call to train as a life coach, then a relationship coach, on to a Collaborative Divorce coach and mediator. I later trained as a Relationship Systems Coach, which changed my life and the way I work with my clients.

A dozen years as a divorce coach and working with many hundreds of ending relationships has taught me all the many ways a relationship can go sideways. Now I guide couples away from those booby traps and dead ends. I now possess a powerful combination of tools and insights for retrieving even the most damaged relationship from the edge….if they want that.

Today I am grateful for being on the cutting edge of healing our world one relationship at a time.

Relationships are more important than ever in our disconnected society. Let’s talk about yours. How close to the edge are you? What will bring it back? Are you both on board? What if only one of you wants it? All good questions that deserve honest answers. Contact me. I look forward to speaking with you.


They are also beautiful and comforting when they work well.


You are the prime mover in your relationship. You may be surprised to learn that neither marital therapy nor relationship coaching will fix your relationship. Only you can do that. What I do is reflect your relating back to you where you can see it full on, in all its beauty and blemishes, and guide you to expand and balance your relationship to fit who you are today.

We will work together in a conscious way to make effective changes that heal and soothe, and bring contentedness back to your relating.

Ready? Why wait?

Get in Touch