Divorce Coach

There are three prongs to divorce: legal, financial and emotional.

The legal and financial prongs, though challenging, have a beginning and they do end. Emotions have neither. Your emotions will direct how your divorce goes—content, speed, direction and outcome. Divorce Coaching can be an invaluable resource.

You have a lot of decisions ahead of you. As Divorce Coach I help you stay grounded, clear-headed, manage your emotions, and find your strengths. Don’t ignore the emotional and relational parts of your divorce to your demise. Get help.

Supportive ways I can help you.

Straight Divorce Coaching

  • Need help understanding what is being asked of you in the process?
  • Want to understand what is behind your Ex’s, or soon-to-be-Ex’s (STBEx) behaviors?
  • Need a non-legal sounding board for decisions you need to make?
  • Want to preserve your family’s future?
  • Want support before (to tap into your strengths) and after (to debrief and plan for the next) important engagements like a meeting with your STBEx, your attorney, CPA or child advocate?
  • Want to know how your (and your STBEx’s) childhood behaviors caused problems in your marriage, and how they will affect your divorce?
  • Could you use assertiveness coaching in order to set important boundaries and ask for what you need/want?

Gosh, the list is almost endless.

Collaborative Coach

I work as part of a team alongside attorneys and a financial neutral in the Collaborative process to support you with:

  • Relational challenges that were present in the marriage (that likely brought you to divorce) and will be present during your divorce.
  • Telling your children you are divorcing. There are right and wrong ways to do this.
  • Helping your children through their own divorce process.
  • Reframing your communications so you say what you need to say, rather than vent in ways that won’t help your cause.
  • Understanding of the very different experiences of the one who wants the divorce and the one who doesn’t.
  • Normalizing all that you’re feeling and going through. Everyone feels alone when going through divorce and it helps to know real life examples of how others handled their own fears and moved forward.

Hard Conversations

I can work with the two of you to clear the air after:

  • Financial betrayal. (I thought YOU filed the tax returns all these years.)
  • Marital betrayal (affair).
  • Severe lack of appreciation. (You never once said thank you for how hard I worked.)

Even though you’re divorcing I assure you these things will get in the way of your negotiations and feeling generous toward one another. Emotions surrounding betrayal are some of the hardest and longest lingering. You can try to just forget what happened, but the feelings just go underground and will come out sideways to wreak havoc. You may not even know what hit you.

Contact me and let’s set up a time to talk about what you need.